Grow Skills, not BR
What i mean with that is, make the extra skills work for you.
Not over feed the skill.
As you can see, i stopped at level 20, the skill will not get bigger after
Same as here, it onley cost you a ton of recources.
Some tips and tricks
What to update in Bond?
As you can see Boxer i just gave 1, just to do something.
But i maxing Royal Bleu to the max.
why? HP you get plenty, these outfits give high atk agi hit crit and def.
Is it possible to get fights in Temple Of Seal all in 1 round?
And what is the cheapest way?
This is what i use, all heroes you can get for free, ( with some patience).
Secret ingremant is Theresa, a red hero, does not do much, but gives
the team an extra 15% damage.
Oke that was all for the momant.
Play smart and strong