zaterdag 2 november 2019

Best team setup
For free players
Good way to start from the beginning of youre play.
From start to 50mbr.
Important is never place a healer in front!
Also never place a healer behind main dps!

When at a level you get a chanche to get Moire and Dora, get them!!
Dora Liss combo, makes youre Moire go wild, lots of DMG!!
At this point runes etc will be important.
Runes on all hero's max r6, Put all into Moire!!!!
Max r12 atm.

At this point make Moire 400% br
Dora 200%
Liss, Athena and mc 100% br

After 9 mbr you notice that Lizz not doing enything annymore,
so replace her with Theresa, instead of feeding rage, she feeds 15% dmg.

This is for the real freebeeplayers.
Play strong and smart!

What EXP level i get what?
Level Requirements:

LVL5 - Special Events
LVL6 - Mount
LVL7 - Clothing
LVL9 - Dungeon Blitz
LVL12 - Arena
LVL15 - Elite Dungeon/Equipment
LVL18 - Hero Trial
LVL20 - Recycle
LVL20 - Guilds
LVL20 - Carnival
LVL21 - Abyss
LVL21 - Eqmt Shop
LVL25 - Palace Dungeon/Relics
LVL25 - Retrieval
LVL25 - World Boss
LVL28 - Hero Upgrade
LVL30 - X-Server Group Deal
LVL30 - First Purchase Chest
LVL30 - Tycoon
LVL30 - Destiny Wheel
LVL30 - Angel's Favor
LVL30 - Hero Skins
LVL30 - Ally
LVL30 - Rune Socketing
LVL30 - Domination
LVL30 - Special Offer
LVL30 - Guild Dungeon
LVL30 - Guild Boss
LVL30 - Gauntlet
LVL30 - Little Helper
LVL30 - Weekly Check-In
LVL30 - X-Server War
LVL30 - Conquest
LVL32 - Equipment Refine
LVL38 - Team Arena
LVL40 - Clothing Codex
LVL40 - Mount Codex
LVL40 - Auction House
LVL40 - Angel Blocks
LVL45 - Vault Hunter
LVL45 - Team Domination
LVL45 - Grand Expedition
LVL45 - Guild Mission
LVL50 - Eternal War
LVL55 - Anima's Path/Animate system
LVL55 - X-Server Domination
LVL55 - Outfit Accessory
LVL55 - Features Icon
LVL60 - Equipment Enchant
LVL60 - Battle Royal/Battle Pets
LVL60 - Aptitude
LVL60 - Relic Enchantment
LVL60 - Temple of Seal/Seal/Seal Advancement
LVL61 - Relic Engrave
LVL65 - Resource War/Soul Arms
LVL65 - Dungeon Sweeper/Runestone
LVL65 - Dragon Equipment
LVL70 - Challenger's Road/Pet Awakening
LVL70 - Astral Divine/Mount Armament
LVL70 - Duality Runes
LVL70 - Pet evolves
LVL75 - Grand Tournament
LVL75 - Nether Realm/Minion
LVL75 - Homestead
LVL80 - Furnace/Gear Awaken
LVL80 - Pet Equipment
LVL80 - Echoes of Doom/Legendary Relic
LVL80 - Trial of Valor
LVL80 - Soul Avatar
LVL85 - Isle of Doom
LVL101 - Valorium Equipment
LVL105 - Angel's Home Awaken
LVL110 - Ancient Armor

dinsdag 15 oktober 2019

Pet grace

What pets to grace, as a choice.

I go for max ATK, that will give youre mc Max- Soul Arms and Pet use.

Aura another thing.
Same get max atk, hit, dodge.

With Valorian hero, also go HP and deff!
Below All the aura.

Thanks to " DMOC.

zaterdag 5 oktober 2019

How ATK works in LOA2

When you atk, these things happen.

You are nr1, ennemy is nr 2, to keep explanation short.

The atk itself.

You nr 1 atk, it needs to HIT, so you have 100 hit, nr2 has 101 dodge,
nothing happens, nr2 dodge nr1 atk, no DMG.

When a ATK is succesful for you nr1.

Nr1 atk,you HIT, then amount of youre ATK,lowers the number HP of nr2.
Then Crit comes in, if nr1 CRIT is higher then nr2 END, then it is multplied by 1.5, or youre dmg is 50% more.

So allot of ATK is nice, but HIT you cant get ennough.

At the end, Hit is a must, crit a bonus.
Focus on runes on HIT, onley Moire and Eureka can use both, for max DMG.

zaterdag 23 februari 2019

Runes on what Heroes
This one tekst onley, just explaining, the physics of the game.
MC , Does not have a Basic attack, so Fire and Earth does not work on her.
Water could work, but exualy not.
Wind will work, Wind has Zypher, makes the hero imune too Rage reducing effects.
What Dora an Durano does, of youre oponant.

Athena, does not attack, pure defence.
Some say Eurth, because of its shields, but earth onley works on the hero itself!
I say water, why, because of Pure Water, increase heal and dmg effects by 6%!
It workes, i tested it Every time she raises her shields, the team gain 54% extra dmg,
Plus 6% , thats for free.

Moire, Does not have a basic attack, so fire and earth are out.
Water maybe, water gives allot of dodge, she has that ennough for herself.
Wind will really wake her up, her skills always crit, plus lots of hit, champion!

Eureka, bit other story, she does have a basic attack, so fire and Eurth should work.
Below 20BBR, i would advice wind.
Above Eurth works for defence. ( you need allot of crit to work)(2 12r crit runes)
above 40BBr, fire, awsome, but need to look for hit, she has allot of hit by her own.
I use 1 hit and 1 crit rune stone on her, with fire.
Edit did chaince back to Wind, after lots of testing wind is better for her.

I did some popular heroes, cant do them all.
Below some favorite heroes of mine.

Liz, wind
Dora, wind/water
Theresa, wind
Lulu, wind
Rei, just use Athena, way better!!
Pamela,water, very hard to get good, easyer to use other hero.
Thera, water

Thanks again for reading my blog.

Play cheap and smart!

  Grow Skills, not BR What i mean with that is, make the extra skills work for you. Not over feed the skill. As you can see, i stopped at le...