dinsdag 15 oktober 2019

Pet grace

What pets to grace, as a choice.

I go for max ATK, that will give youre mc Max- Soul Arms and Pet use.

Aura another thing.
Same get max atk, hit, dodge.

With Valorian hero, also go HP and deff!
Below All the aura.

Thanks to " DMOC. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-FqDSPcK_yXmqeLRO3EQo1jyxji2gyoOSM2c3NcxLaE/edit#gid=1953781755

zaterdag 5 oktober 2019

How ATK works in LOA2

When you atk, these things happen.

You are nr1, ennemy is nr 2, to keep explanation short.

The atk itself.

You nr 1 atk, it needs to HIT, so you have 100 hit, nr2 has 101 dodge,
nothing happens, nr2 dodge nr1 atk, no DMG.

When a ATK is succesful for you nr1.

Nr1 atk,you HIT, then amount of youre ATK,lowers the number HP of nr2.
Then Crit comes in, if nr1 CRIT is higher then nr2 END, then it is multplied by 1.5, or youre dmg is 50% more.

So allot of ATK is nice, but HIT you cant get ennough.

At the end, Hit is a must, crit a bonus.
Focus on runes on HIT, onley Moire and Eureka can use both, for max DMG.

  Grow Skills, not BR What i mean with that is, make the extra skills work for you. Not over feed the skill. As you can see, i stopped at le...