Best team setup
For free players
Good way to start from the beginning of youre play.
From start to 50mbr.
Important is never place a healer in front!
Also never place a healer behind main dps!
When at a level you get a chanche to get Moire and Dora, get them!!
Dora Liss combo, makes youre Moire go wild, lots of DMG!!
At this point runes etc will be important.
Runes on all hero's max r6, Put all into Moire!!!!
Max r12 atm.
At this point make Moire 400% br
Dora 200%
Liss, Athena and mc 100% br
After 9 mbr you notice that Lizz not doing enything annymore,
so replace her with Theresa, instead of feeding rage, she feeds 15% dmg.
This is for the real freebeeplayers.
Play strong and smart!