woensdag 8 augustus 2018

Temple of Seal part 2

How to score high.

I hear you all say, we dont have those fancy heroes.
Oke, i understand, here is the lowbudget version of a good team.

Get Moire, Dora and Theresa in the i would say goldbars,
 but that wont work, for extra atk hp and def,
 last 3 skills wont work either, if there not Artifact heroes.
Thera and Flora as healers, both are the best healers, with good debuffs and bufs. 

As runnerup.
Liz if a healer dies
Kay If a healer dies

You have to play a bit with the setup, and formation.
My sugestion is, looking at point of view.
Moire front left
Dora front right / midle backrow
Theresa middle backrow / front right.
Both healers left and right backrow.

When using Rei, he likes middle frontrow best.

Hope this wil help you guys, 
to reach to 16, last payment level.

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